
Day 8 - 2015 June 4 - Canoeing

Today we went canoeing. We also had to make a poem.
Poem: How to make a river.
Take lots of water, a few birds, a dozen trees, and a couple of beavers.
Start by slowly mixing in the birds and the trees.
Slowly add in the water.
Once all the water is added gently throw in the beavers.
Cook with sunlight until 70 it reaches degrees, and let cool to 65.


Day 7 - 2015 June 3 - Vignette

Today we wrote a vignette about the animal picture we took at Cox Arboretum.

Snake from Cox Arboretum

I sit upon the soft and prickly bush, and wait for the next meal, sunning, and staying warm. The sun helps my yellow back seem like part of its own rays, as I stand, I stare, stare at what I am about to eat. With great strength I lunge for my lunch. It wrestles, and I fight back. With great strength I hit it hard onto the thorny bush I was once on. I eat the limp, warm body that was once filled of life.


Day 6 - 2015 June 2 - Kayaking

Today we split our day into to parts (and into 2 different groups). My group in the morning went hiking on the buckeye trail. After lunch we went kayaking. My group was the faster of the two groups, so we decided to do many races and a couple figure eight patterns.

Getting into the boats


This is right after the canoe trip


Day 5 - 2015 June 1 - Backpacking

Today we made a list of items needed that we would take for a hypothetical long distance backpacking trip. I was partnered with Alex T. and had to be able to figure out the weight of the bag. Our bag weighed 70.2 pounds, so we put 70lbs of weights inside of a bag, and carried it around two classrooms. It wasn't as heavy as I was expecting it, but the weight was not distributed properly (as a have gone backpacking with the BSA). It probably would have been better if I could have brought in a bag that would be packed that people could carry around, but this exercise worked for a general purpose of getting a feel for the weight.
 Side one of list

Side two of lst

Alex T. holding a condom filled with water demonstrating how it can collect water and be used for survival.